Advanced Level Math Overview
Here at Stone Bridge Middle School, we offer Advanced Level Math (ALM) in grades 5-8. Our math program operates as follows:
ALM 5, Math 5, Math 5 Resource Room
Pre-Algebra, Math 6, Math 6 Resource Room
Pre-Algebra, Math 7, Math 7 Resource Room
Geometry (2025/2026 School Year), Algebra, Math 8, Math 8 Resource Room
Students must qualify in order to be placed into an ALM course. Using a variety of assessments and data, students are placed in the math course that best meets their needs. Each assessment is weighted accordingly and is calculated into an overall score. For more specific information regarding how each of these assessments are weighted, please utilize the documents below. Once calculated, students and parents are notified of their child's math placement in early summer.
Breakdown of Weighted Assessments (2024/2025 school year)
Advanced Level Math: Placement Rubric (2025/2026 school year)
Math Placement Guidelines (2025/2026 school year)
Any questions regarding math placement at SBMS should be directed to Mrs. Stefanie Folino and/or Mr. Brian Myslinski.